How To Get Rid of Hernias

Hernia is a common medical condition that results in pain, bulging, and discomfort. This problem can occur on different parts of the body, such as the abdominal or intestinal tissue or the femoral canal.

Pressure in certain areas causes organs to push through. Generally speaking, this is how a hernia develops. However, an existing week spot that has developed before the hernia occurred. Pregnancy is one main cause of a hernia.

However, it also can be caused by obesity or too much heavy lifting. It also can be caused by lifting items improperly even if the item is only moderately heavy to light.

Different Types of Hernias:

  1. Femoral hernia – This occurs when parts of the intestines enter the femoral canal. This is the path through the artery, nerve, and vein leading to the abdominal cavity, on into the thighs. Usually the location of this hernial bulge resides below the inguinal crease (below the crease of the the torso and the thigh).
  2. Umbilical hernia – This is one of the more common hernia cases. This type usually occurs in the belly button area, in a place that normally would close before or after a woman has a baby.
  3. Inguinal hernia – This one is the most common type of hernial of the abdominal area. It occurs 25 more often in men than in women. It occurs in the crease between the torso and the thigh.
  4. Indirect inguinal hernia – This is a bulging that occurs from the abdomen down to the scrotum. It extends along a similar path as would the testicles of a baby that is still in development. Anyone of any age can experience this condition.
  5. Direct inguinal hernia – This usually occurs very close to where an indirect hernia would occur, only it does not protrude into the scrotum. It takes place more often in middle-aged or elderly people and it has a slightly thinner abdominal wall.

4 Ways To Prevent or Get Rid of a Hernia

  • Maintain a healthy diet. Eat foods higher in fiber and lower in cholesterol and fat. Also, find foods that are less sugary and salty to eat. You almost can never go wrong eating fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lead means and lean dairy.

  • Refrain from lifting too heavy of objects unless you get help. However, if you must lift an object by yourself you should bend from your knees and not the waist. Either that or if you have a mechanical lifting device take advantage of it.
  • Avoid too strenuous of activities. Physical activity is important. However, when you are trying to recover from hernia treatment you should not put too much pressure on your abdominal area. Ask your doctor what you can and cannot do while you attempt to complete daily tasks.
  • Exercise and stretch on a regular basis. it will help keep your muscles stretched and tone. Regular face-paced physical activity can also help you burn fat, and thus keep weight off. This further helps you prevent a hernia in the event you have never had one in the first place.