The Quickest & Easiest Way to Get Rid of Black Neck

Dark, dry spots on the neck, in the armpits or on the elbows may be acanthosis nigricans. Perhaps you’ve experienced one of those symptoms. Others may include darkening of the skin of the inner thigh, the palms of the hands, and more.

An Internal Issue

Acanthosis nigricans isn’t actually really a skin problem as much as it is an insulin problem. Sometimes, when the body has resistance to insulin, this can occur. The darkening of some parts of the skin should probably be looked at by a doctor or dermatologist to determine the correct treatments.

Most of the time, these treatments treat the body and the inner part of the problem. But, those can take months for the spots to disappear. So, what can you do to fix it?

Daily Care

Something that you could do to begin improving how black neck looks would be to care for your skin daily. You could try rubbing milk onto your neck, then exfoliate the skin gently with some sort of product or even with a mix of sugar and olive oil. You could even add lemon juice to it, because lemon juice will act as a whitening product.

Once your skin is exfoliated, rinse it with warm water and place hydrating lotion on the dark spots. Always use sunscreen, and try not to go outside if you’ve used lemon juice recently – it could harm your skin.

[ Read: How To Get Rid of Dark Neck ]


As mentioned, lemon can help a lot when it comes to lightening up those dark spots. First, you should mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of rose water. Apply the mix gently onto the dark spots of your neck, before going to bed. Leave it there all night, then in the morning, rinse with warm water.

After just a few uses, you’ll probably note that your skin is much lighter already.

Oatmeal Mask

If you have oatmeal at home, you could try this recipe. Take ground oats and tomato pulp and mix them into a paste. Place it onto the dark spots, and let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes. Then, wet your neck a little and massage in circular motions. This will help to exfoliate everything. Leave it another five or six minutes and then rinse with warm water. Then, use a lotion to hydrate it, massaging it in.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda Mask

If you don’t like any of the above options and are still wondering how to get rid of black neck, you can try the baking soda method. It’s very simple. Baking soda will whiten and exfoliate at the same time.

Mix a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of olive oil, and a teaspoon of baking soda together to make a creamy paste. Then, pat onto the dark spots and let it work for about 20 minutes or so. Then, rinse with cold water.

These tricks and tips seem simple, but they will help to noticeably reduce the black spots until you can get to a doctor and resolve the problem for good.