How To Keep Your Back And Spine Healthy

The number of people suffering from back problems is increasing day by day and this is probably due to the fact that we don’t seem to pay much attention to our posture at all, especially when we are working. Two of your core body parts are your back and spine, and it is imperative that you take proper care of them. Your spine connects many areas of your body through ligaments, muscles and nerves and hence, not only affects your back but also your overall health.

What Can You Do To Take Care of Your Spine?

You can easily attain a healthy spine and back if you ensure that your diet is balanced and if you follow a strict exercise regimen. Here are some steps that you can take for a better spine and back:

Male spine anatomy

  1. Sleep In The Right Position- A common mistake that most people make is that they tend to sleep on their tummy or their back. When you sleep on your back you are putting unnecessary pressure on certain parts of your back- which isn’t healthy. The best way to sleep is on your side because it doesn’t apply undue pressure on your upper and lower back.
  2. No Slouching– You have to be very careful about how you sit and stand. Avoid slouching as much as possible. If you realize that you are slouching, straighten your back immediately. The key to having a healthy spine is keeping your back straight at all times.
  3. Exercise Regularly- People who are overweight are more prone to back disease. Maintaining a regular exercise regimen helps to stretch your muscles and give them a good workout. A sedentary lifestyle can be your worst enemy and stretching regularly helps to make your joints more flexible. It has been discovered that many back problems are due to tight hamstrings.
  4. Make Sure That You Lift Right– Maintaining a proper form when lifting a heavy object is imperative. A lot of spine damage can be caused if you twist the wrong way while lifting. What you should do is stand close to the object and lift using your legs for support and not your upper back.
  5. Keep Hydrated- To maintain fluidity in the joints and soft tissue elasticity, you should ensure that your body is properly hydrated at all times. Drink healthy and fresh fruit and vegetable juices to get your proper intake of vitamins. Spinal discs can often lose their height due to improper hydration levels. If these spinal discs start shrinking, you will become extremely vulnerable to ruptures and bulging- which are bad for spinal health. These discs are like protective padding and if they are lost, it will negatively affect the structural health of your body.
  6. Wear Proper Shoes– Make sure that you wear shoes which are comfortable, practical and do not place any undue strain on your spine. They should also be flexible and well balanced. Good shoes play a very important role- they ensure that your body and your spine remain in perfect alignment. You can also use inserts for better balance.
  7. Eat The Right Food- A balanced diet should consist of the right amount of vitamins and nutrients. If you want a healthy back and spine, then you need to start eating right. One way to do this is to ensure that your daily diet consists of antioxidants, proteins and fatty acids.
  8. Sleep Well- Maintain a regular sleep cycle and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. This is the recommended amount for maintaining good health. If you aren’t feeling refreshed after you wake up, then you need to adjust your sleep timings
  9. Work In A Smart Manner- While working; ensure that your back is straight and that your chair provides you with proper support. Switch your position every 15-30 minutes because staying in one position for too long can cause your muscles to tighten up, which could lead to immobility.

Back pain can negatively affect the quality of your life. It could stop you from taking part in social activities, engaging in strenuous work or doing necessary everyday tasks. One of the most basic ways to prevent back pain is to carefully monitor how you hold yourself and how you move when taking part in daily everyday activities.