How To Trim a Man’s Sideburns

Before taking on the onerous responsibility of trimming your sideburns, ask yourself, “Can I do this perfectly?” If you don’t get a confident “Yes” from within you, it means you don’t know how to go about this. And if you don’t, here’s the lowdown on trimming your sideburns perfectly.

Look Neat With Trimmed Sideburns

Anyone looking at a man’s sideburns knows instantly that they always match his hairstyle. Whatever your sideburn style you adopt, even you know that they do need to be trimmed every so often. Indeed, it is a difficult task to be able to trim your sideburns to the exact same length, considering they are on both sides of the face. Still, there’s a method to this tough task and here it is for you:

Clean Your Face

Before you get down to trimming your sideburns, wash your face with soap and warm water. Next, wash your sideburns too, so that the hair there is soft and easy to lift and trim. Pat your face dry with a towel.


Comb Your Sideburns

Next, comb your wet sideburns in the direction of hair growth, either by using an electric trimmer. Now, hold it vertically before you so that its blades face you. Use downward strokes to trim your sideburns. Comb your sideburns in a sweeping motion away from you and trim any hair that is sticking out of your sideburn’s hairline. Now, take a backward sweeping motion to trim hair that goes out of your desired hairline.

Trim And Shape Your Sideburns

With a trim guide, shape and trim your sideburns so that they are equally shaped. Check that your trimmer is aligned with your face. Now, move it downwardly so that you trim your sideburns to the length you want.

Now, trim the bottom of your sideburns that lie parallel to the floor. Now, just check if they are even. Place each index finger at the base of each sideburn and see if they are in line. If they aren’t, trim a little more so that they are completely even. Use a moisturizer on your sideburns that should ideally contain a sunscreen, not aftershaves since they contain alcohol that could dry your skin.

By taking such detailed care of your face, you will have a completely groomed look.


The length of your sideburns should depend on your hairstyle, but they should be rectangular in shape. Also, they should rest in the middle of your ear.

  •  Trim your sideburns when they begin to look puffy.
  • Sideburns are nice to have as they provide balance to your facial features.
  • After breakfast, trim your sideburns as this gives them sufficient time to be ready for the job.
  • Always wash your face with warm water as hair can be easily removed.
  • Wash your face and hair after a trim as this takes away all stray hair.
  • Sideburns will suit you if you have a thin face, but if you have a wide face, they’ll only make your face look wider.
  • Measure your sideburns to check for evenness in size. Do not judge the length and width of your sideburns by the distance each one is from your earlobes.
  • Your sideburns can be manageable if they are not more than an inch wide.
  • Invest in a sideburn trimmer, comb, scissors and tweezers to get those perfect sideburns.

By following the above directions and dos and don’t, you can eventually sport perfectly balanced sideburns, whether mutton-chopped, spiral burns, skinny, pencil or any other. So, now that you know how to trim your sideburns, go right ahead and do it.
