How Does Dairy Products Affect Your Hormone Levels?

Dairy products are good for health, especially when it comes to milk and yogurt. Along with giving you a good shot of calcium and keeping your digestive tract in place, yogurt is known for its weight loss benefits also. But what is lesser known is that the milk or yogurt whose source is not a grass-fed cow could do more harm than good for you. Loaded with antibiotics, steroids, hormones, and pesticides, this milk from those innocent looking cows have been deemed to be harmful for your health.

And, your hormones are the ones that get affected. The cow’s milk contains all those hormones that are found during pregnancy as that is when it is secretes milk. But is that what happens in reality? Do cows remain pregnant always? Well, the story is something else. There are, most of the times, cases where cows are injected with hormones and chemicals so that their bodies feel as if they are pregnant, stimulating the secretion of milk. And, this is what precisely we drink!

The impact… let’s take a closer look!

Dairy Products

Diary and Your Hormones

How is dairy detrimental to your health? Here are some things to consider:

1. Increased Level of Insulin

Many studies suggest that exclusion of dairy products from your diet could ease acne. Acne is one of the negative impacts of an elevated insulin levels. Dairy products contain Insulin growth factor which sets the insulin levels high, in turning causing the blood sugar levels to fluctuate, leading to acne and other skin breakouts.
While insulin is good for your health and essential when it comes to building up those muscles, excessive levels of insulin is never advisable. Excessive levels of this hormone could lead to poor control over blood sugar levels, setting the stage for overeating due to sugar cravings, finally causing weight gain.

2. Cause Immense Fluctuations of The Sex Hormones

By sex hormones, I mean the testosterone and estrogen. When these super powerful hormones lose their balance, your body becomes restless. Along with mood swings, you will be more prone to anxiety and stress. Your menstrual cycle will be upset. You are prone to depression. And, your sex life could hit an all time low.
This happens due to the additional inflow of estrogen from the dairy products which are prepared using the milk of a so-called pregnant cow. Estrogen, in excess, could yield an expanding waistline, lesser sleep, a more sluggish you, an always irritated you, less concentration and memory… and the list goes on and on!
Excessive estrogen could be harmful for the mothers-to-be and their yet to-be-borns as it could pose some serious threats to their health and life.

3. Might Elevate The Risk Of Developing Cancer

According to a study conducted by the Harvard Health, milk, in any form, irrespective of the fact whether it comes from a grass-fed or non-grass fed source could up the risk of cancer. The study suggests that men between the age of 20 and 39 have more chances of developing testicular cancer. It also suggests heavily that milk disrupts your hormone system, making you highly susceptible to prostate, colon, and breast cancers.

What In Milk Causes This Hormonal Disruption?


Is it the fat that upsets your health or is it the lactose? Well, the answer is something else, which I mentioned above already. While the fat from the dairy could be beneficial for your overall hormone health, the presence of hormones is detrimental for your hormones. There is yet another group that blames casein, the milk protein, that could be the root cause of all the evil. Studies conducted by this group say that the casein triggers the formation of casomorphin in your digestive system, which in turn stimulates the synthesis of cytokines, the inflammation triggers.

It is advisable to avoid dairy products as such so that your hormones will be at peace and your health is safe. If you want to have milk, you could opt for rice milk or almond milk. Sheep and goat’s milk are also alternatives, but again you could be putting yourself at the mercy of chemicals. You could avoid milk as such from your diet also.

You know your body the best! So choose an option that suits you!

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