Tomato blight is a condition where your tomatoes can wear out. The plants can become infected, thus causing the tomatoes to die out and for their leaves to become discolored. It can make any tomato plan unusable and can easily spread into a variety of spots around your garden.
It is a serious threat that often hurts many gardens but this does not have to be an issue if you’re aware of what you can do in order to keep tomato blight from being worse than possible. Several ideas must be used in order to treat your tomatoes to make them less likely to suffer from tomato blight.
Use Skim Milk
Skim milk, a form of milk that has been processed to where it will not contain any fats in it, is a good item to add to your tomato plants. You can use this by spraying them with a compound that features one part skim milk for every seven to nine parts water. This should be used at room temperature to help control tomato blight and to prevent it from spreading. This can also be used on healthy plants to make them less likely to develop tomato blight.
Trimming Spots Also Helps
Sometimes you might have to trim off certain spots in your tomato plants to keep tomato blight from spreading. This may be the case if the condition has spread to one plant and has not gotten too far down to where the blight could spread. This is difficult to do at times considering how many tomatoes you might want to grow but it is often a necessary evil that you’ll have to get into to keep this from being a threat.
Provide Some Rain Coverage
It may help to add a small barrier to your plants to keep them from being impacted by rain. This means that you can apply water to your plants at the times that you see fit.
The key reason for adding a cover is because it will protect your plants from the rain. Blight spores often grow when wet conditions spread in an area that is relatively temperate. This can especially be problematic if you are in a place where it is very humid and if it rains quite a bit. Adding a coverage space to your plants may help you out with keeping your spot in check.
Use Plastic Mulch
Plastic mulch materials are available in many places. These mulch items are often added to a garden to create a nice bed and to heat the soil. This keeps humidity down and takes care of any blight spores that might develop.
As mentioned in the last section, humidity and moisture can cause blight spores to develop. A bit of heat may be added to keep them under control and plastic mulch bits are particularly useful for this occasion.
Wood Chips Work Too
If you aren’t comfortable with plastic mulch then wood chips can be added too. Wood chips will also heat the surface but be sure to replace them as needed as they will naturally break down over time.
In addition, wood chips are designed to provide a bit of shade to some of the roots. This is to keep them from being agitated and to keep them from absorbing too much water, thus creating spores.
Preparing for Next Year
The last strategy to use is to apply the right materials before the growing season so you will be less likely to struggle with tomato blight. Just add two tablespoons of bleach into a gallon of water and spray it on the plants in the late fall after you are done harvesting your plants. This will provide your plants with a protective barrier that will be strong enough to keep tomato blight from spreading during the winter, a time when it is often very easy to develop this condition.
You need to use these points to protect your tomatoes so they will not be likely to suffer from tomato blight. If you use the right actions for controlling the problem and to prevent it from developing then you’ll find that it is very easy to keep this from being a threat.
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