How To Get Rid of Ants In Your Electronic Gadgets

Some individuals have complained of ants in their computers or gaming consoles. Because of ants, others have also lost expensive electronic gear. Rarely do people see ants invading laptops, X-box consoles and PSPs; but it does happen. Why? Wires aren’t food and the internal parts of any electronic gadget won’t be sweet either. So, how come do some species of ants invade electrical devices?

Why Ants Like Electronics

If you complain of having ants in your computer or keyboard, it’s very likely for others to blame you for the situation. They’ll tell you to stop having a snack while surfing the net or to avoid putting your devices near food or drinks. Some might also give you advice about cleanliness. Maybe they’re thinking that you didn’t wash your sticky hands after eating cookies or cake. There are people who’ll also tell you to keep your kids away from your precious Dell M6400 or your spanking new Luvaglio laptop. But even though you’ve kept your hands and your surroundings squeaky clean, and even though you have locked your costly electronics in a room where your toddlers can’t get to them, you might still have an ant problem.

Experts don’t have an exact answer yet as to why ants invade electronic devices. Some, however, speculate that ants are attracted to the heat produced by electrical gadgets. Others explain this occurrence as a result of the ant’s propensity to flock to spots that seem like good nesting grounds. The network of electrical wires provides nice areas for them to make their nests.

Is It Dangerous to Have Ants in Electronics?

Ants in Electrical DevicesYes, it could be dangerous and costly. Even though ants won’t be able to bite through tough wires, some species have strong enough jaws and teeth that can chew through the material that insulates the wires. When this happens, live wires are exposed and this will put your gadget at risk. There have also been serious infestations that have caused grave damage to public property, such as the invasion of the “crazy raspberry ants” in Houston in 2008. The minute buggers caused computers to malfunction, and they were also to blame for some short circuit problems at that time.

How to Get Rid of Ants in Electrical Devices

  1. Since ants are attracted to the heat produced by your electrical gadgets, you should turn these off when not in use.
  2. Avoid putting your laptops or PSPs near food or juice. Do not eat near your electronics as well. Also, make it a habit to wash your hands before using your computer especially after handling food or eating. These are good preventive measures.
  3. For small gadgets, like PSPs and notebooks, store these in Ziploc bags or other plastic containers that you can seal properly to make sure that ants won’t be able to get to them. This is especially helpful if you already have an ongoing ant infestation at home.
  4. Avoid using sprays because these might damage the internal components of your electronics.
  5. Place a bug-ridden item in a small plastic bag. Seal the bag tightly to suffocate the ants.
  6. For a severe infestation, ask pest control experts for help. Don’t ignore the problem because once ants invade your electronics, this often means that there is a more serious infestation going on in or around your home.