How To Avoid Car Damage at Home

For most people, a personal car is a very valuable investment. It is the main source of transportation for work, school, and social activities. Most people also end up spending a large portion of their paycheck or take out a car loan, which results in them making payments on the car for years. Taking the time to protect these valuable assets is always a good idea, but many people do not realize the amount of damage that can occur to their car while they are at home. Here are a few ways car owners can work to protect their cars and help them run more efficiently for years to come.

The Importance of Using a Protective Cover or Roof

This is one of the best things that can be done for a car. It accomplishes many goals. On the one hand, a carport covering is a great protection for the car from the sun and rain. Intense and regular exposure to the sun and water can slowly weaken the car’s paint, which increases the risk for rust and other slow damage to a car.

A carport covering is also important for protecting the car from strong weather. Small sticks, branches, and hail can all damage car paint and even the frame. An even more secure covering would be a full garage. A full garage also offers cars added protection from trees, larger branches, and other larger and heavier debris. If the car owner lives in an area where hail is a common occurrence, it may be a good idea to invest in padded car covers as well. This an added protection against the damaging ice. Make sure that any direct cover is designed to fit the particular car in question as they do often come in different sizes.

How to Avoid Car Damage at Home

Watching Where the Car is Parked

Cars should not be parked too close to trees whenever possible, especially if a storm is expected. Even sturdy looking trees have been known to fall in the instance of a strong storm with wind. It also reduces the risk of minor damage from sticks falling and other common problems.

It is also important to watch for flooding. In areas near bodies of water, even small streams, floods can cause major damage to cars. If there is a risk for flooding, car owners should avoid low lying areas and other risky regions. If the personal driveway commonly floods, then alternate parking spots should be determined.

Keeping the Car Clean and Well Cared For

It is important to keep the car as clean as possible because both dirt and salt can slowly create problems for a car’s paint and increases the risk for rust and erosion. Dirt collects not only on the lower frame, but also throughout the car in nooks and crannies as the car is driven. Where the dirt gathers, moisture and rust can soon follow. The car should be washed well, either by hand or at a professional car wash, at least once a month. Carefully following the car washing with a waxing is a great way to add an extra layer of protection against moisture and UV rays from the sun.

Protect the Car From Thieves

Thieves can do serious damage to cars, between picking locks and smashing windows to gain access to the interior. Cars that are in garages tend to be much safer. If this is not an option, the car should at least be out of sight. It is also a good idea to have motion sensor lights that shine on the car, as these lights can often scare off potential thieves. Car owners should also be sure to not leave any tempting items or valuables visible in the car, which will only tempt people to break in and go exploring.

Protecting a car from damage while at home is important to keep the car in peak running condition and to protect the investment an automobile is for most people. By following the above tips, people will go a long way in protecting their machine.