How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most sought after natural remedies for weight loss. Countless scientific studies and practical experiences vouch for its slimming benefits, and hence has a very important place in the life of those who are on a diet. It is, perhaps, one of the safest solution for the eliminating the excess fat from the body.

Take A Look At How Apple Cider Vinegar Could Help In Weight Loss!

How Does Acv Make You Lose Weight?

Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Weight Loss

1. Works As A Natural Appetite Suppressant

According to a study that appeared in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, it was found out that inclusion of ACV in your diet could help you eat lesser by suppressing the appetite. People who consumed vinegar felt fuller than those who had just bread. Suppressing the appetite is important when it comes to weight loss as it would help you eat lesser, thus preventing you from overindulging.

2. Helps In Preventing Sugar Level Fluctuations

Managing your sugar levels from spiking and crashing is crucial to ensure that you are not overcome by cravings. And, one of the best ways to do this is to include apple cider vinegar as a part of your diet. It helps in stabilizing the levels of sugar, allowing you to stick to diet and coax you to eat only when you are truly hungry. It also has the potential to lower the levels of blood glucose after your meals significantly.

3. Promotes Elimination of Toxins From The Body

Effective elimination of toxins from the body helps in promoting digestion and boosting metabolism, eventually leading to weight loss. Inclusion of apple cider vinegar in your diet could help in flushing out the toxins. Being rich in fiber, it promotes bowel movement, thus cleansing the body.

4. Helps In Preventing The Accumulation of Fat

Studies suggest that the presence of various powerful enzymes and organic acids in apple cider vinegar helps in boosting the metabolism, eventually burning away the excess fat. It also helps in lowering the levels of cholesterol, thus averting fat accumulation and preventing weight gain.

5. Helps In Improving Insulin Sensitivity

People who are have poor insulin sensitivity are prone to obesity and type 2 diabetes. According to certain set of scientific studies, this variant of vinegar could help in improving the insulin sensitivity. This, in turn, helps in prevent the storage of fat, eventually improving your weight loss efforts.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

apple cider vinegar

You can actually include apple cider vinegar in various ways in your diet to help you with your weight loss. To begin with, add just 1 teaspoon to 200 ml water at room temperature and drink it as the first thing in the morning to kick off your metabolism. Slowly you can increase the consumption to 2 tbsp in 200 ml water thrice a day for better results.

Here are some ways you could use apple cider vinegar as a part of balanced diet for weight loss.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar With Water

Mix 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar to 500 ml water and rink it half an hour before your meals. Alternatively you can sip this concoction in between your meals to promote a sense of fullness, thus preventing you from eating less.

2. ACV With Juices

Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 250 ml freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juice, without any added sweetener and drink it instead of your coffee and tea. Do this twice a day to see optimal results.


3. Apple Cider Vinegar With Cinnamon Powder

ACV hepls in improving the alkaline levels of the body, thereby promoting weight loss. Cinnamon has the power to prevent fat storage and hence, the two make a powerful weight loss natural remedy.
Mix 3 tbsp ACV and 1 tsp cinnamon powder to 350 ml warm water and consume this half an hour before meal. You can also add about 1 tbsp honey to the mixture for enhancing its weight loss properties. Drink this concoction 3 to 4 times daily to reach your weight loss goal.

4. ACV And Maple Syrup

Mix 1 tbsp each of ACV and maple syrup to 250 ml warm water and sip it before your meal or in between your meals for boosting metabolism. You could also use this concoction in the place of your tea for better results. Aim for drinking 3 to 5 cups of this mixture to lose weight quickly.

5. Acv Lemon Honey Combo

This is one of the most powerful combo for weight loss. Mix ACV and honey in 1:1 ratio to warm water. Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon and drink this concoction on empty stomach and in between your meals to boost the metabolism, promote detoxification, and induce weight loss. A mixture of ACV, honey, and lemon juice can be used as a powerful weight loss salad dressing also.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar With Garlic, Honey, And Black Pepper

Add 2 teaspoons of raw, organic ACV with 2 teaspoons of organic honey, ¼ tsp garlic juice, ½ tsp of black pepper, and 1 tsp lemon juice into a glass of warm water. Drink the concoction every day on empty stomach as well as 30 minutes before each of your meal and you will soon start noticing your excess pounds falling away.

A Word of Caution

As with all natural remedies, you should exercise extreme caution while using apple cider vinegar for weight loss so that you do not fall prey to its side effects.

  1. Avoid using pasteurized, filtered, or distilled ACV. Opt for the raw version.
  2. Avoid using apple cider vinegar pills.
  3. Do not use ACV in excess as it could lower the levels of potassium drastically, leading to low bone density.
  4. Stay away from using ACV if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.
  5. Refrain the use of ACV if you are on medications for diabetes, hypertension, or cardiac ailments as this could interact with these drugs in a negative way.
  6. Do not use apple cider vinegar if you have stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, or any such digestive system issues, including hyperacidity.
  7. Refrain from using this natural weight loss solution if you are planning to get pregnant or if you are pregnant.

Undiluted ACV could lead to upset stomach, nausea, heartburn, and indigestion. So always dilute it before consumption.

Along with weight loss, ACV is known to be beneficial for better digestion, lower cholesterol, normal blood pressure, and stronger heart. However, check with your doctor before you start using apple cider vinegar to rule out undesirable side effects.

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